Depositing Directly at a Bank of America Branch

Deposits of US$ checks can be made directly to any Bank of America branch; departments should not deposit foreign checks and/or foreign currency and should contact Cash Receipts for further guidance. Deposit slips are available at the bank branch. The necessary account details for deposit are stated below.

 Deposit Slip Instructions:

  1. Complete deposit slip based on the total amount of cash & checks being deposited
    1. Bank account for deposit: #000030619535, Account Name: “Harvard University Departmental Account”
    2. When making deposits, proof of government issued identification is required (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  2. Write your Tub and Org number on the deposit slip (very important step to allow us to identify and post deposits)
    1. Please make sure to provide the deposit slip receipt to Cash Receipts, to verify that the funds have been deposited as well as the date of deposit.
  3. Write your contact info on the deposit slip receipt for any follow up questions

Note: Please refer to Bank of America’s Quick Reference Guides to avoid deposit condition fees

Credit Voucher Instructions:

  1. Complete a credit voucher
    1. Do not exceed 10 lines of coding and keep description brief
    2. We will be required to return credit vouchers that exceed the limits noted
  2. Scan and send credit voucher and the bank validated deposit slip receipt to
    1. In subject line, please reference Direct Deposit at Bank and date of receipt
    2. Please submit each validated deposit receipt with credit voucher in one single PDF per deposit in a non-password protected PDF file to allow for edits as necessary while processing.
    3. Credit Vouchers are to be sent via email, do not send a hard copy via interoffice mail. Contact Cash Receipts if you are not able to send electronically.
    4. Without receipt of the bank validated deposit receipt, it may delay recording of your deposit
    5. Direct deposit credit vouchers and taxable sales credit vouchers should be submitted in separate emails.

Review additional instructions on depositing directly to a Bank of America Branch.